Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Methuseleh's Week

This last week has been long for me.  Really long.  As in it was a year's worth of time for me.  I should explain in more detail.

Wednesday, October fifth, I decided to enact a summoning that I haven't tried for several years.  One from the Ars Goeatia, Solomon's book of demons.  I did my research thoroughly, of course, and chose to contact a benevolent spirit by the name Vassago.  The main difference between then and now, I succeeded this time.  For you all, it's been a week.  For me, it's been a year since then.  Fifty-two weeks of the most grueling and successful training in runecraft I have ever experienced.  You see, Vassago is a demon who teaches lost knowledge, the happenings of the past, and those things to come.  I asked him to take me under his tutelage, which he did, and I learned many things, among them runecraft that makes my old work look plain shoddy by comparison.  I think Vassago took a liking to me, too, because he taught me some demon's tricks.  I don't have to make runes over the course of days or weeks now, for example.

Now, from my quick browsing of Lucia's blog's comments, I can see that my absence has caused quite a stir, particularly with Zwei 'babysitting' me all week, but honestly, I didn't feel any of the cuts he gave me.  Training in Hell really does a lot to dull the pain your body is feeling.  Of course, One thing I felt a lot while I was there was the doll, me, being hugged.  It was almost all that kept me sane in there.  Lucia kept me sane in there, and while I was gallivanting about with a demonic tutor, she completely broke down.  She was there for me, but I couldn't do a thing.  I can hear her in the next room over with Tony, now.

None of you need to worry.  In fact, Vassago was kind enough to do what no one was able to do, or promise to be able to try.  He healed my legs.  I am able to walk normally again.  In fact, I'm capable of a lot of things I wasn't before.  But for now, I'll end this with a few words.

Nathan, there is no need for you to come by, I am fine, and I will be speaking with you shortly.

Everyone else, it will be in your best interest to quickly decide which of us, Nathan or I, you trust more and move to a position close by to them.  A battle will erupt soon, and those caught aimless in the middle aren't going to survive.

And finally, Lucia.  I'm back.  The door is unlocked.


Phobos said...

Welcome home. Sorry bout your finger. Posting in the Hub later with details on my kidnapping.

Clark said...

No missing finger. I'm better than ever, as I said.

Phobos said...

That's good, I was worried. All three of us are back now, it seems, just in time for war.

Clark said...

Yes indeed.

Tori said...

Is it sad that I feel Boss like cause not only do I not have to move anywhere, I have enough room for 5 or so people. (more if people don't mind sharing beds.)

And it's not that I don't trust Nate more than you Clark, I've just known him a bit longer... And kinda live on his property.... But if you two fight I will have NO part in it whatsoever.

Phobos said...

Silly Tori... It's not us that's fighting. We're at war with Slendy and his allies. Clark and I are two people capable of killing breaks. We just want our allies to be safe.

A. Lucia Cat said...

Words do not describe how happy I am that you're back, Clarky... =)

And how happy I am to be commenting from right next to you, haha!

Clark said...

And over three hours after I posted too! As thought there's no reason at all you would be preoccupied. hehe

A. Lucia Cat said...


Phobos said...

For Odin's sake people, behave yourselves.

Clark said...

You know, it is known that speaking the All-Father's name brings his wrath upon the speaker.

arbiter.tangent said...

I'm not sure which is more surprising. That you were stupid enough to summon ANY demon, or that it worked out for you.

Clark said...

Some basic study tells you that not all demons are evil. Look up the Ars Goetia yourself, and please do a better job than Nathan. Inner demons? Really?

Phobos said...

Hehehe.... Oops. I was however saying that while theorizing that Zwei was an alternate personality brought out by the Ars Goteia.

Tori said...

Sorry, I'm finally finished all that damn painting (except the guest rooms in case anyone wants to take up permanent residence in the house along with us. We have the space.)AND I started reading the Mind-Fuck that is House of Leaves (my library search was successful :3)

But seriously, anyone want to live with us? Epic house is epic. I learned how to make fried chicken without burning it OR hurting myself~

A. Lucia Cat said...

Behave? Behave?! Who says we're not behaving?

We're all adults here~.

Tori- I'm feeling the fried chicken! Feelin' it! =D

arbiter.tangent said...

@Tori Give me a good landmark to aim for and I'll be there tomorrow.

Clark said...

Ugh... Just woke up. Apparently I was technically awake that whole week. Apparently I also still metabolized, so I'm hungry as hell right now.