Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hermes' Parcel

So uh yeah this is Tony.  Clarks askedm e to type this thing up about this rock he got recently and damn notepad's messing me up no freaking spellcheck.  anyway its like big as your head and kinda glowy, but Clark says it's not radioactive so I think it's one of those biolumnescent things.  The weird thing though is how warm iit is  It's like touching a person, but it's just a big red crystal!  Anyway, if whoever reads this is the guy who sent it to Clark, thanks forit. I''m happy hes into something else now, beforehe was just in this stupis internet thing, so thanks I guess.

 ---Tony, describing the Phylactery I still have in my possession.


Phobos said...

Holy shit. Nice find Clark. Can't wait to see what you'll use this for.

Clark said...

Well, I know I can artillerize them, use them to power wards, and they make convenient night-lights. All of which I've used them for. Right now I have a proxy lighting my keyboard as I type this.

Phobos said...

...As long as I'm not on your list of future night-lights, I wish you luck in your endeavors.

Clark said...

My current night-lights were hostile proxies attacking Prophet, so all allies to the Runners are safe. Also, concerning your Slender-abilities and my arcane knowledge, teach you, teach me.

Phobos said...

I'd love to teach you what I know, but my brother would be more interested in learning Arcane Arts (he's already capable of healing normally fatal wounds, even on other people). Would you teach him instead?

Clark said...

I'd teach you both what I know, if you would like, though you might need some supplies.


Amazing Discovery! Oliver likes birds. Rather, he is bemused/obsessed by them. He spent the better part of the day watching them flit from tree to tree. Still no one has come to this house, and i am getting quite comfortable. I forgot how nice life used to be. Now for the serious stuff.

A proxie broke in last night, and climbed through the window only to stand face to face with Oliver.
Blood is hard to get out of the carpet/walls/ceiling.
Another sighting of super-bear/rake, prowling in the yard.
Still no idea what the fuck it is, but oh well.

Perhaps we could use those orbs to power some sort of weaponry?

Who knows.

Anyway, i am convinced Oliver wants to help us, or at least won't be another hinderance.
Hoping for a peaceful night's rest, and i wish the same for everyone else.

It appears we are in some sort of un-easy peace at the moment, while ///It/// licks it's wounds.

Please ask any questions you need.

Goodnight. -Prophet

Clark said...

One thing I will note is that I can make the Phylacteries into weaponry already. Oliver attacking a proxy shows us that he is on our side, at least tentatively. Also, is the Star of Ill Omen still functional?