Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hi everybody!  Did you know that if I carved some of Clark's magic pictures on his skin, he could use them like magic spells?  hehehehehehehehehahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahheheheheeheeeheheheehe

Peekaboo, Sister.


Anonymous said...


deja vu xD

arbiter.tangent said...

This is... kind of fucking weird. Am I missing something?

A. Lucia Cat said...

Arbiter- Zwei is a weird fucker. Yes. He doesn't post here much but he generally fucks around in the comments of my blog.

Proud to say that I chased him out of Foster with an axeophone. >.<

arbiter.tangent said...

That had to be at least slightly entertaining. Happy Thanksgiving, by the way.

Phobos said...

Claaaaaaark, can you carve a glyph into my vocal cords that lets me FUS RO DAH people who piss me off?

Clark said...

It is almost unfortunate that I've delegated enough time to understand the reference. Sorry, carving runes would destroy your throat, and the equivalent glyph would burst your lungs. At any rate, I'm not sure when I'll have enough time to do any projects that aren't strictly business. Something big is going to happen, I'm just not completely sure what.

Phobos said...

Damn, even with my newfound nigh-immortality that sounds unpleasant. Give me and Ernie a call if you need our help with anything.

By the way, if I could retrieve another of Yggdrasil's fruits, what could you do with that (other than eat it and become cursed with immortality)?

Clark said...

Plant it, study it, try to learn how an ash tree produced fruit.

Ryan said...

You can't try to glyph him anyway and see what happens?

That would be funny.