I am currently exploring a different trend, one that tends to be left out when combating something perceived as evil. Necromancy, the modern iteration, not divination by corpse, is the path I am going to take to see what I can learn about Ola'asu. Some of the oldest gods in history are the rulers of death, or the realms thereof. Hades / Pluto, Set, Hel, Azrael, Yama, Ahriman, and of course the Grim Reaper all tied to the concept of death. So many gods represent death, so wouldn't it make sense that if there were a way to combat a god, researching death gods would be the way to find it? That is what I will endeavor to do in the near future. I will attempt resurrections, reanimation, blood animation, soul removal, and more. Mind you, I will not become a being worse than that which I am trying to stop in doing this. There is a rather nasty infestation of snakes in my yard, so I will be attempting most of my experiments on them. This also has the interesting advantage of solving the age-old question: Do animals have souls? If I can remove it, then they do. If not, then I'd need a human subject to know if my method is correct or not. I will deal with that if and when I encounter it.
Tony seems relieved that I am taking up Necromancy, which should put in perspective how worked up he has been about my involvement with Ola'asu. Thus, he is helping me, which is good, because a complication came up in the treatment. My legs have complete mobility now for the first time in four years. They have also developed necrosis at various injection sites from the treatment. It was caught early, as an hour before it was noticed there was literally nothing of note, so there should not be any significant damage, but it is disheartening.
Something I just noticed: The two themes of this post are necromancy and necrosis, both starting with 'necro-,' meaning 'death'. I hope that the rule of three does not assert itself here.
Ah, necromancy. Interesting topic. I don't know a lick about it to help you though, sorry to say. Good luck combatting those snakes. I'll reply to your last message here for simplicity's sake.
Blogger is glitchy as anything, comrade. For example, I'm posting this from my iPhone because my desktop does not like embedded commenting. I've no clue why.
Progress is always good, I'll be following you closely for sure. Yes, I'm a fighter against not the faceless god himself, but one of his servants who...well, you'll see. I've had a long two months. The ominous hesitation? That would be me trying to find a nice word for where I was from Sunday to last night.
Ahh, some people experience more generic tribulations than others. You're definitely not one of them. Don't worry, I ramble a lot too. We should have tea sometime. =)
I hare so far read up to your failed snare trap in the mimosa grove, and yes indeed, you have been having a difficult time. If I can be of service in either psychology, magic, or otherwise, let me know. As for tea, I would be glad to, but I don't live anywhere near Pennsylvania. My location on my profile is understandably falsified, seeing as I'm unable to travel far on these legs, and I can't drive, again due to the legs, and Tony wouldn't drive me to anything related to Ola'asu. Plus, he'd tell me driving such an extreme distance for tea is wasteful. However, if we could otherwise correspond directly during one such tea party, I'd be glad to brew up some Earl Grey as we chat.
Ahhhh, the snare trap. That almost worked, damnit. Oh, you'll have to pardon me...as you've seen, I'm pretty foul of language more often than not. ^_^;
Is the distance really that long? That's a shame. Of course, Pennsylvania is sort of in the corner of the country, haha. But maybe I could fly you two in sometime for a day or so, if Tony will let you. I've been trying to keep company around since my ordeal started because I've got a pretty deep-seated fear or being alone. Until then, though, I do believe that tea over a computer screen will do! We should stay in contact, comrade.
Well, for effective ways of capturing and executing humans, turn to Adolf Hitler's reign. He was famous for it. Also, I do not mind foul language, as much of it is really just old words with no offensive connotations, or religious terminology. And yes, it really is, but I couldn't make the trip anyway. Tony would ask where I went, and he wouldn't let me go if I told him. As for tea over a computer screen, I can manage that, even if only in text form. I'll have to see if I can get a camera for my new computer, the old one with the camera got electrocuted. That said, name the text-based messaging site and I'll be there.
Clark. He told me about you. Albus needs help. I cannot do this, so i am turning to you. He found a way for mortals to harm.. ///It///. I don't know how, but it involved a book. I was once a servant of ///It///, but what Albus did seems to have freed me. Before he disappeared, he said you would be the one to turn to. Is there anything involving an old book and any of the Breaks? I apologise for the suddenness, but he will die if we don't hurry.
Any more information? A weaponized book is almost exclusively a spellbook, but there are many of those in my library alone. Tell me more.
I don't know. Proxies everywhere, i cant stay in one place for long. It looked VERY old, And it had those same symbols he showed you, along with many others. I feel terrible. I was the one who lured him in. This is all my fault.
Possibly Arabic spellbook, that would also explain the astrological symbols. We are looking for a grimoire of Arabic origins. We're looking for the Necronomicon, also known as the Al Azif. We seem to be sailing in Lovecraftian waters. What fun! Arm yourself with plenty of these: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RNrl2Gr0VwI/SW2XdXP1FrI/AAAAAAAAAjc/Y_liZtHCf_o/s400/elder+sign.jpg
Im familiar with the Necronomicon. I have a copy with me, but it only keeps away the hallowed. Nothing on /It/ or Proxies. Albus is going to die, we need to figure out what this is.
He also had an old silver dollar, which /It/ seemed afraid of.
That make any sense?
Please hurry.
Silver is a mystical metal, associated with the moon, healing, and clairvoyance. Search the Alazif for any references to silver.
The God of the Moon is the God NANNA. He is Father of the Zonei, and the Eldest of the Wanderers. He is long of beard, and bears a wand of lapis lazuli in his palm, and possesses the secret of the tides of blood. His colour is Silver. His Essence is to be found in Silver, and in camphor, and in those things bearing the sign of the Moon. He is sometimes called SIN. His Gate is the first you will pass in the rituals that follow. His Step on the Ladder of Lights is also Silver.
This is his Seal, which you must engrave on his metal, on the thirteenth day of the Moon in which you are working, having no other person about you who may watch you in its manufacture. Being finished, it should be wrapped in a square of the finest silk and lain aside until such time as you desire its use, and then, it should be removed only after the Sun has gone to its rest. No ray of sunlight should strike the Seal, lest its power be rendered nil and a new Seal must needs be cast.
So, this is what i found. I dont know what to do, the proxies are nearly here.
What does the ritual do? Also, I will send a ward your way, expect to see infighting among them.
I don't have any metal, or silk, and i dont know the moon cycle. It's some sort of ritual to ascend to a different place. I dont see the proxies. Im so scared.
I just want it to end. It has gone on too long, too many have suffered.
Let it end.
Well, for them, it has ended. I have a tidy little collection of souls here with me now. They're beyond dead. As for the ritual, forget it, unless it's to create some form of weapon, it is not of particular use here. Speaking of weapons, any mention in the Al Azif? Godly weapons for godly foes, after all. You can relax for now, I will attempt to scry for Albus.
No, nothing. I am going through the bible now.
The god-damn bible. I can't believe it.
Im looking for anything that sounds like our tall friend, and for anything that could have driven him off. Tell me of ANYTHING about Albus.
Prophet, tell me where the Break minions were before I stopped them?
About two blocks from the house i broke into to hide. I was on the second storey, and saw them coming. I looked down at the Necronomicon for an instant, and they were gone when i checked again.
Well, how do I phrase this? I scryed for Albus' current location, and when there I sensed something, similar to when you feel somebody looking at you. But when using this scrying technique, that sensation only happens with functional occult items near the area I am scrying at. The location it came from was roughly 60 feet away, and seemed to be a book. I'm saying that Albus may have been with the servants.
Hmm. Is he in your... Soul collection? Is there a way to reverse it?
Assuming the soul is still entirely his, i.e. not controlled by Ola'asu, I could give him a temporary vessel, just as soon as I figure our who is who here. But to be safe, check the comatose bodies to see if Albus' is one of them.
No, he is not among them. I see a scorch-mark though, as though something was blasted.
Then there's no way to be sure unless I place the soul in a speech-capable body and question it. And if the scorch mark was Albus' body, then his life is going to be drastically different.
No, he is not gone. I saw him running from...
I don't know how to describe it. It was not /It/
or Slendy, but it almost seemed similar.
I don't know, and im even more scared than ever.
Well, then, that means I can put these souls to work, no? If you see him again, question him on the weapon, and get him safe. I will send a ward to that general area, 'The Star of Ill Intent'. If you see the sky shimmer a bright orange, be prepared for something malicious.
Who the fuck is Prophet?!?!?!?!?
Where is Albus?!?!?
You better answer me.
Prophet would seem to be one of Recurse's proxies that Albus freed in his recent attack. Albus seems to be fine.
Also, hello Theo.
Hello Clark. Sorry for the outburst. Rose is silent, she wont say anything to me. We need to know where he is. Prophet, im sorry, just under lots of stress. We have felt the recent increase in proxy activity. Would you ask Lya and the Gang if they felt that... Shockwave a few days ago? And did you feel it Clark? Two hours afterwards, half a dozen masky's showed up at the hotel.
Please update us with any news, Albus or otherwise.
And welcome to the Family Prophet.
You are with others now.
Anymore, a simple outburst is almost exceptional restraint, so no blame assigned, but do leave hostility at the door. As for the shock-wave and proxy activity, I noticed both, but at the time I chalked the wave it up to Albus' weapon or something similar. Proxy activity at my location is limited, but noticeable. What proxies are smart enough to get past my 'Puzzle Wall' tend to be quite cautious of me. They also tend to be charred slightly, but that's a side effect of not being able to read Norse runes. At any rate, Prophet, I won't ask you to risk your life for Albus, because then what he did for you would be in vain, no? But you do owe it to him to try and help him. The Star should help, as well.
Alright. I can't explain everything right now. I saw... The... Third, i guess.. again. No sign of Albus. This one seems non-hostile, content with watching me.
A fucking third.
How does it differ from Ola'asu and the Recurse?
It is more like Slendy in appearance, And as i said before, showing no hostile intent at all. And i feel no fear from looking at it. Could Albus somehow have created a third? That might account for the shockwave, and /Its/ Anger.
I need to find Albus before /It/ Does.
Actually, going from what you described, it seems that there's a possibility Albus has found a way to become a being like Ola'asu, though what you said about making one is still possible. Oddly, none of my methods of scrying can locate anything like it, which puts it on the same level as Recurse and Ola'asu.
I don't know what to think anymore.
I wouldn't be suprised if the sink started talking to me at this point.
Ill stay in this house for the night, hopefully no one comes home. Third (We need a name for him)
is still hanging around, and i don't know what to do with him/it. Tell me if you find anything, and ill update with any news concerning Albus.
As far as names go, we'd need to learn more about it. And make use of the ward I sent your way. Remember, bright orange sky.
I have seen no orange. Third is picking up objects at random, examining them, and placing them back. I honestly have no idea what to do. I offered the bible to him, but he just did the head-tilt. One thing, his tie is not black, but a deep red, like drying blood. Ill try to make some more observations. Got any ideas for a name anyone? Haha.
I should point out that Sandra's most recent news says that Ola'asu changed into a red tie. Perhaps a pending name could be Oliver? The reference is more than a little complex, but he name works for now, I think. You know, it's funny. We started with Ola'asu, then we got the Recurse, and now Oliver. It's almost as though we're getting, forgive me for this, gods by clockwork.
Haha. Well, that might not be such a good thing. Im beginning to wonder, is there more than one Rake-type Break? If so, /it/ Could have a deadly new ally.
"Oliver" is Watching me type. He is not like either of his "Brothers". He does not appear to have any ill will towards me, and is completely befuddled by the doorknob. I laughed for 10 minutes, while he fiddled with it, not knowing that i had locked it. I don't think Oliver is Albus, because i saw Albus running from him. Oliver did not appear to be chasing, but rather, he looked as if he was trying to stay near Albus, as if out of fear. Clark, he might be the turning point in all of this. I dont know how Slendy would react though.
Well, the different types of Sasquatch are well known, the most famous being the Bigfoot and the Yeti, so I suppose it is possible. I fact, this would mean that Oliver is a docile Slender-type Break, while Sandra's Rake is a docile Rake-type. But this is all theory. Also, if Oliver was trying to stay close to Albus, where is Albus now?
That's what I am worried about. That star is orange, and Oliver is all alert. I still have my knife, but i don't know what good that will do.
Ill post when i can, if i can.
Here's something, if you get in trouble, sing the last line of "Row row row your boat". Specifically the line that starts with 'life'. Also, if you do that, duck.
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