Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Asenath Waite, such a sweet girl.

Mr. Lovecraft would be proud, for indeed I did come across a thing on the doorstep.  However, rather than the story's variety of thing, this one was more of an it, or rather, an 'It'.  After witnessing it firsthand, I have decided to give it a more descriptive name that 'It'.  I decided on the Recursive Break, as in a broken Break.  Recurse for short.

At ay rate, the Recurse appeared appeared outside my door, almost as though it were a human stopping in for a visit, though in all fairness, that could have been what he was doing.  It didn't appear wounded, though fast regeneration might be the cause of that.  Another thing I noticed was that his suit does not appear to be actual clothing as Ola'asu's does, but rather a mucous-like coating.  If I had to compare it to something, I would choose the Spiderman villain that was also spider-themed, but black.  Curse me that I can't remember the name.

At any rate, Recurse never made it past the exterior of my home, though he made a point of making an admirable attempt to either draw mw out, or make me laugh so hard I'd be defenseless to any form of attack.  To clarify, Recurse seemed to be enacting a one-man Three Stooges routine, complete with those arthritic tentacles knocking each other about.  I was honestly wondering if someone at Sandra's had slipped him some form of narcotic (Yet another thing to research.  I must start outsourcing my experiments.)

After these antics ceased, he began to be more direct, standing not so much at my window as trying to get the screen to leave marks on it's non-face.  I think it was trying to cause some form of fright, so I put on a horror movie (The Silent Hill movie, actually.).  I must say, it was curious, enjoying a movie while Recurse was looking, not so much over my shoulder, but past my right arm.  I even asked his opinion afterwards, but he left after the movie ended.  What he may or may not have realized is that I had a camera trained on him the whole time, a handy advantage of having a webcam on your computer.

Upon reviewing the video, with the movie synced alongside it, something interesting came to my attention.  All the scenes depicting the monster Pyramid Head (who, for non-fans, is a slower, more focused, and more direct version of Ola'asu.) were crystal clear.  No static, no video tearing, no audio corruption.  I had feature-movie quality video of Recurse staring in my window for those scenes.  And something even more interesting occurred to me as I watched this.  Recurse's stature, body language, everything except the face, obviously, showed fear.

Head tilted away from the screen, shoulders tucked toward the body, body hunched slightly.  Recurse was showing every available indication of fear on a human level, all to a movie monster.  As with all things, this warrants investigation.

In non-Eldritch related news, Tony is at his parent's for now, my mobility has improved to the point that I can walk to the lake near my house, and before you ask, yes, I live in the middle of a huge forest, and yes, I take those walks at night, and yes, alone.  What else could you possibly expect when Ola'asu is involved?  Jokes aside, however, It is nice to be able to stand up from my computer chair and get my favorite snacks without a cane again.  Peanut butter on toast is such a stress reliever.

I do believe Tony had a good idea in me making this blog.


Stumpy said...

Its alright. Sorry about not being able to tell you. I need to kill it. I cant let Theo or Rose know where i am at. I have a little plan. And thanks for all the help. Please take care of Rose and
Theo, in any way you can.


Stumpy said...

Wow. I did not read this post. A third. Clark, you need to tell Lya and the gang. Wait. Could Recurse help me? Is there any way to communicate with it? I need this information Clark.


Clark said...

Recurse, I believe is more commonly referred to as the 'It', Albus. I just prefer names that can't be confused with other things. "Where is the spoon?" "It is on the toaster." Things like that. 'It' appears to be a corrupted version of Ola'asu, thus it is broken. A Broken Break, a Recursive Break. Thus, Recurse. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Stumpy said...

Is there any evidence of a third?


Stumpy said...

Any by the way, that villan you mentioned is Venom.


Clark said...

None that I know of, aside from the hallucination I had earlier thanks to Arbiter. And yes, thank you, I believe it was Venom I was thinking of.

arbiter.tangent said...

How...odd. I may borrow your terminology in the future. Recurse has been an enigma to all, but this demonstration may prove some things. I know it's a lot to ask, but would you be willing to send me the footage for review? As for your hallucination, I apologize, but I personally am mildly skeptic as to it being false in nature.

Clark said...

The terminology is for everyone's use, of course, should they choose to use it. As for footage of my encounters with Recurse and the hallucinated Slenderwoman, I will see what I can do. The first has been proving difficult, and the second is uneventful. I will try to make the Recurse footage workable. Of course, you do realize this has almost inevitably doomed the Recurse footage before I can send it to you? Let us hope it turns out otherwise.

Stumpy said...

Damnit. I need to kill ///It///, or Recurse, or whatever the fuck it is. Is there anything i can do to kill it? Any weaknesses? Anything? And Arbiter, if you stand with him, and get in my way, i will kill you too. Nothing personal


Clark said...

Please, everyone, please keep your words civil. Four letter words carry little knowledge with them, and I will not stand for hostility here. In other words, no yelling in the library. As for weaknesses, etc., Sandra has already told us of one, but that's all we know for sure. There's also any runes, signs, sigils, or the like that may have an effect on Ola'asu, Recurse, or any of their kind. However, all the theories in the world mean nothing without proof and proof takes help, be it from a proxy or be it from the Breaks themselves. Now paranoia has its place, no doubt about that. But it isn't with a potential ally. If Arbiter proves treacherous, then he is an enemy. Until then, we should take any and all help he deigns to offer us.

arbiter.tangent said...

He has his grounds. I did indeed stand with //It// for some time, out of a thirst for knowledge and revenge. Now I merely seek the former, and //It// is fickle and treacherous. I split from him around the time of the Texas Incident.

Clark said...

Then I am content with the knowledge that you are not allied with Recurse, and will be content with any knowledge you can offer from your time with it.