Thursday, March 1, 2012


I did a few things with my old Tarot decks for the first time in what to me has been years.  It's interesting, seeing what kids of trick shuffles you can do hen everything moves so slow.  I've barely even touched these since that last one I did.  I suppose I... saw something I shouldn't have, or somesuch...  But now I don't even know what I'm supposed to see.  Lost my touch, I suppose.  I need to move on, I suppose.  It's hard to move anymore without cheating and using magic.

Oh, one more thing.  I had another dream last time I slept, which wouldn't be odd, but I only have dreams every few years anymore.  It was some monster like that slender man, but he had a face.  An unnaturally wide smile, and just one eye, with skin that looked like it's been dead for a while.  Nothing particularly off, I suppose, but I was somewhat expecting a lack of a face, rather than that nightmare...

I should go...

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