Monday, December 19, 2011

LUCIA has left, to go see someone.  Why would she leave home right before CHRISTMAS?  i hope she is okay.  CLARK is tired from working so much, but he sometimes comes to see me, to ask what my like is like.  TONY has been leaving occasionally.  i read about JESUS in that book.  He was dead, but brought back to life.  He and i are... alike.


Ryan said...

She'll be okay.

Did you read the whole Bible already?

Anonymous said...

One of the things CLARK gave me was the ability to red whole pages of text at once. Apparently some humans can do it, too.

arbiter.tangent said...

1)That is an awesome choice of reading right there.
2)Wait, you... came back? Why must everything be so damn complicated.

Anonymous said...

JESUS came back from being a dead body. i was made from clay and other inanimate objects, and brought to life by CLARK. We are alike in that way, non living things brought to life.

Ryan said...

That's cool.

Do you read a lot?

Anonymous said...

i live in a place with a library containing upwards of one million books, the majority of which were penned more than two thousand years ago. Reading is one of the great pleasures in a place like this. CLARK's collection is stunning to behold. Is LUCIA alright?

Ryan said...

Yeah she'll be okay. She's on her way home now.

I wish I had time to read. :| Seems relaxing.